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12 Things You Might Not Know About “Blood Donation”

12 Things You Might Not Know About “Blood Donation”

Many people already know that ” blood donation ” is beneficial in terms of saving lives for people who need blood for treatment. But in addition to the satisfaction of helping others, blood donation also has many interesting facts that you may not have known.  12 Things

The dangers of "fatty liver", the silent danger of "liver cancer"

The dangers of “fatty liver”, the silent danger of “liver cancer”

Nowadays, people can easily get sick, especially diseases related to eating habits. When checking health, we have to sit and worry whether cholesterol is too high or triglycerides will spike. Especially blood sugar levels that cause the risk of various diseases. In addition to diabetes, there is another disease

Benefits of "Liver", a superfood animal organ

Benefits of “Liver”, a superfood animal organ

Liver is another organ of animals that we like to consume, whether it is pork liver, chicken liver or beef liver, all of which can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. And not only is it delicious, but liver is also rich in

Artillery is definitely bad! Intelligent AI comes out to predict the chances of winning the UEFA Champions League second leg: Arsenal visits Bayern Munich.

Artillery is definitely bad! Intelligent AI comes out to predict the chances of winning the UEFA Champions League second leg: Arsenal visits Bayern Munich.

Opta, a famous statistics organization, uses intelligent AI from supercomputers. Analyzing the chances of winning in the  UEFA Champions League  game between Arsenal , who will visit Bayern Munich in the second leg this Wednesday night. The results of the analysis through simulation of 10,000 virtual matches revealed that